Let's create spaces for children to play, be and grow

Welcome to the TAKE 5 movement!

Play and social attachments are proven to improve child and adolescent health and well-being. The Take 5 Caring Coach course trains and supports implementers from existing and new programmes to use the Take 5 teaching routine to emphasise the natural benefits of play and sport. 

Take 5 is designed for use in low-resource and high stress settings, where populations face regular adversity. It’s adaptable to any sport, recreation, or play-based activity, and is primarily designed for children between the ages of 11-14 (a crucial second window of development) - and has demonstrated positive outcomes with youth up to the age of 18.

As caring coaches, we have a huge impact on how our participants think, feel, and act. This influence goes beyond our programmes: what we do with our participants at our programme today can impact them at home, at school, and even years into the future. 

We’ve worked with coaches, researchers, and participants around the world to identify core ingredients that transform sport programmes into well-being services, and are so excited to share these with you. 

"I have just started working with young people. The Take 5  resources are great for helping me with my session." 

- Take 5 Champion

Take 5 is adaptable to any sport, recreation, or play-based activity. Everything we learn together on this course will be actionable, and adaptable to your context - because you’re the true expert of your programme and local context. You might be based at schools, care centres, the beach, or the local skate park - wherever you are, we’re excited to work with you. 

This course is for the people driving impact at organisations interested in delivering fun programmes for youth and adolescents that improve well-being, mental health, resilience, and positive functioning. You might be called coaches, inspirators, mentors, link workers, front line workers, child and youth care workers… Whatever you’re known as, this course is for you! 

This is (y)our space to learn, to connect, and to share. We’re beyond stoked you’re here.